Tech Reformers

TR | AppStream combines AWS App Stream 2.0 with fully managed services. School Districts just determine the applications they want for their students and how many students they have to access it. No configuration or VDI environment required.

Learn more
Or sign up below for our demo.

Try it out today!

Access the TR|AppStream sample software from a browser on any computer. No downloads, installations, or licensing keys are required. Simply sign up to start your demo, verify your email address, then sign in to launch TR|AppStream demo.

Check out the speed and responsiveness. Run a speedtest on Chrome! Remember Tech Reformers can host any application you want. For example Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Autodesk, Blender, and all the Project Lead the Way applications. You can give your students equitable access.


Demo details

Click to Launch Demo Apps :
GNU Image Manipulation (GIMP)
Google Earth (3D)
Microsoft Teams
Visual Studio Code